Four-Year Blogiversary

This week marks four years since the start of this blog. When I wrote the first post, I was excited to have a safe space to tell you all what it's like to be me. I was looking forward to sharing all of my milestones and bringing awareness to a rare form of osteosarcoma and the disabled experience. I needed an outlet separate from the rest of my support system. It was right here, with all of you, that I found just what I needed. I always hoped that years later I would still be blogging and have found a way to maintain my sunny state of mind through the parts I never expected to hit me like a Mack truck- phantom pain, I'm looking at you. But I had no idea it would help me come into my own the way it has. As someone who struggles to express my emotions fully and usually prefers to tuck them away in some dark corner, this blog has helped me open up in all the ways I needed to. Bringing some of that darkness into the light, even when it meant facing things I'd never fully be ready to face.

As I took the time to click back through the countless blog posts, I felt like I was flipping through an old picture book. One where the main character tries to walk in a straight line but stumbles upon quite a few roadblocks that end with her having to climb trees, scale walls, and zig-zag all over the place, only to learn it's not about the destination, but the journey, a tough lesson but an endlessly powerful one if you can embrace it. I am so deeply thankful for this outlet and how It has allowed me to look back on each stage of this wild ride. Reading my vulnerable, raw words is tremendously healing for my soul.

This has never been and never will be the kind of blog that is as perfect in its grammar as it is in its storytelling. This is my diary, which I choose to share in its flawed yet honest form. There is enough eloquently worded literature available in print, but here, you will always find my truth. I hope it gives you the push you need to share yours. 


Comparing your journey to others


Carrying around dead weight